Oval Irish dancer gemstones pendant
People have always attached special value to gemstones & crystals. Whether that’s as a symbol (personal/cultural/status), a precious commodity, a tradition/heirloom, or even venturing into the metaphysical.
Partnering with local crystal experts at Petra Teertha, we’ve created a one-of-a-kind collaboration for Irish dancers, each as special, precious and unique as it’s wearer.
All crystals/precious/semi-precious gems are authentic.
Each Irish Dance Crystal Collection contains the following gems:
Connemara Marble: bringing Irish energy, the official Irish stone.
Aquamarine: Irish stone, free & fearless expression in performance, bravery.
Peridot: luck, strength, health, vitality, protection against negative energies, Irish stone.
Emerald: luck, inspiration, balance, patience, also an Irish stone.
Clear quartz: boosts energies of surrounding crystals.
Tiger’s Eye: luck, courage, focus, competition, strength, relief from being overwhelmed.
Carnelian: boldness, power, ambition, concentration, inspiration, endurance, strength, competition, energy, confidence, courage.
Selenite: clarifies & charges other crystals, chakras, brings energy, luck, clarity, healing.
Onyx: focus, perseverance, confidence, discipline, stamina.
Red agate: stone of dance, force of energy, competition, memory, endurance.
Sapphire: focus, direction, eliminates self-doubt.
Amethyst: alleviates anxiety, brings balance, calm, creativity, luck, releases negativity.
Turquoise: clarity, combats exhaustion.
Smoky quartz: protects against bad luck, relieves stress/tension, energy, competition, focus.
Green aventurine: stone of opportunity, leadership, change, motivation, creativity, healing, letting bad habits go, luck.
Obsidian: energy, drive, protection, motivation.
Bloodstone: strength, confidence, revitalize, invigorate, healing.
Amazonite: concentration, memory, focus, empowerment.
Malachite: motivation, focus.